Ancient Ancestral Wisdom
From the use of cooking herbs as natures remedies to seasonal rituals that nourish the Soul, plants, minerals, movement and spiritual practices bring you back to your truest Self.
Meet Ferris - Owner & Creator
Raised in a rural small town in Northern Illinois, my favorite memories are walking through the pastures smelling chamomile & alfalfa. I made potions from what the earth offered, donned a dandelion or forge-me-not crown & rarely wore shoes. I dreamt of being a professional singer & having a pet cow (Betsy). Life went in very different directions & by my mid 20s, I lost site of that little bare-footed kid & did not feel in alignment with my truest Self.
Never afraid to try new things and go against what is expected, I quit the first job I got out of collage determined to do anything else. Little did I know it would take over 10 more years to leave it for good. However, during my journey I sought out resources that would support a life within a challenging industry. I fell in love with the word equanimity, which led to studying Yoga, Ayurveda & eventually Herbalism & other earth medicine practices.
It was Sangha, a community of Yoga and Meditation practitioners, as well as my teachers in Ayurveda & Herbalism that provided novel experiences to connect with my truest Self. Eventually, I found that little bare-footed kid again; I found clarity that I wanted to concentrate my energy in ways that support & empower myself & others to come back to their truest Self - to reconnect to that spark inside that wishes to grow & move beyond patterns & stories of life.
I created this space to continually practice Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda & Herbalism; to engage with the ancestral, spiritual & energic elements; to create experiences that allow us to see our shadows & our light. Ombra Lunare is space to flow within temporary chaos & consciously find equanimity.